Voluntary Enhancement of Neural Signatures of Affiliative Emotion Using fMRI Neurofeedback
Blame-rebalance fMRI neurofeedback in major depressive disorder: A randomized proof-of-concept trial
- Graduated with Academic Dignity, Magna cum laude, UFRJ.
- Honorable Mention, II Meeting of Science and Cognition.
- Best Work of the Health Sciences Center, XXXIV Giulio Massarani Journey of Scientific, Technological, Artistic and Cultural Initiation - UFRJ
- Honorable mention. Juarez Aranha Ricardo Award, SBNeC
- Best Work of its Session, XXXIII Giulio Massarani Journey of Scientific, Artistic and Cultural Initiation at UFRJ.
- Honorable Mention., II Week of the Graduation in Biophysics at UFRJ.
Julie Wein (piano and voice)
Pedro Franco (guitar)
Glauber Seixas (guitar)
Marfa Kourakina (bass)
Michel Nascimento (drums)

MPB tones
In the show "TONS DA MPB", the singer Julie Wein pays homage to renowned composers of Brazilian popular music such as Chico Buarque, Vinicius de Moraes, Baden Powell, Aldir Blanc, and Djavan. In addition to presenting songs by new composers of the Brazilian music scene. They are part of the repertoire: Aquele Um (Djavan) and Futuros Amantes (Chico Buarque). The bosses "Você e Eu" (Carlos Lyra and Vinicius de Moraes) and "Meditation" (Tom Jobim and Newton Mendonça) are also songs present in this show. Every day the singer will receive a special guest.